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Violet Alchemy Healing

Violet Alchemy Healing 


Unlock Your Full Potential with Violet Alchemy Healing


Discover profound healing, empowerment and liberation through this transformative offering.


Do you feel stuck? Held back from living your life's highest purpose? Do limiting beliefs, past traumas and energetic blocks keep you circling in patterns of struggle? 


It's time to shed your chains and unleash the radiant, unstoppable being you were born to become.


Introducing Violet Alchemy Healing - a unique and powerful modality to profound transformation guided by the illuminating wisdom of Ascended Masters, Cosmic Mothers and Divine Angels. 


Through the mystical art of pendulum healing, like a psychic detective, we will pinpoint and dissolve the energies holding you back.


Clearing & Resolving

Through the use of a pendulum, we'll identify and clear away layers of dense energy, including:

- External energies and influences

- Karmic wounds and past life contracts

- Energy cords and unhealthy attachments  

- Cellular memories and suffering

- Limiting beliefs, outdated vows and more


Freeing you from the shackles of your past...


We'll then anchor and activate the codes of your true, sovereign, Higher self:



We'll strengthen your energetic foundation by anchoring in:

- Higher Self connection

- Soul codes and divine blueprints

- Sacred feminine/masculine integration

- Gifts from your divine presence 

- And powerful integration technologies


Aligning you with the frequency of your highest becoming.


Finally, you'll receive activations and empowerments to ignite your ascension, including:  


✦ High-frequency enlightenment codes  

✦ DNA reprogramming to unleash your blueprint

✦ Cellular realignment with sacred geometries

✦ Energy attunements to blaze like the sun


Sparking an alchemical rebirth into the full glory of your cosmic, magical, unstoppable spirit.


These vibrational journeys defy description - they must be experienced to be understood. By shrugging off the density weighing you down, you will experience the freedom to live as you choose to live and co-create your life as you were originally intended.  


The divine revolution is awakening.  Don’t waste anymore time, mucking around in the old energies that are no longer serving your soul’s growth.  Reclaim your power and embrace your divine birthright as a co-creator of your life.  YOU were meant for better!  Your joy, freedom and fulfillment are worth it!


Book your Violet Alchemy attunement now and let your metamorphosis begin.


I can't believe how much my life has changed since  working with Zara .  I was going though a crisis when I reached out for healing and what I received was greater than I could have imagined!  So much understanding about my self, my family and my life.  I'm so grateful Spirit guided me to find you!  ~ Kaitlyn K.

New York

In one session we cleared and healed more than my past year of therapy!   I can see it all so clearly now and the difference in my energy is amazing!   I'm feel free to engage in life with confidence instead of that old  outdated story of not good enough.

~ Sarina B. 


I  went to see Zara about my relationship with my Son.   I was worried about him and he wasn't communicating with me.  When I got home after my session, he was waiting in the kitchen wanting to talk.  It's almost too good to be true!  Since then he's opened up and we are able to work through things together.   

~ Susan R.


The stress and anxiety I've lived with for so long is gone.  The negative self talk is gone.  

I worked with Zara over several months and she helped me learn tools to manage my energy.  I'm an empath.  I didn't even know what that meant until she helped me understand that everything I was feeling wan't even all mine!

~Justin S.


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